Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Food Dictionary (yay!)

Hi again everyone!

Okay, so, I've noticed in class that we've brought up time and time again how it is difficult to follow through with some recipes simply because we are not in the area to buy the food product or the tool to make the meal, or simply because we do not know how to use the tool or specifically what that food item in the ingredients list...is.

I'll openly admit that I am in that boat; I just got married this summer, and prior to that, my mother did not allow me to help out or cook in the kitchen hardly at all (unless it was something very simple like making brownies, toasts or hot dogs) simply because of time constraints. So, since then, I've been trying out with my husband many, many, many recipes that I've always wanted to make or even haven't seen before (and that have, fortunately, turned out). But, there are still many things I would like to cook but avoid because of unfamiliar ingredients and such.

So, I did some searching.

I found an online dictionary that is specifically about food and for food preparation. Whether you want to know what that ingredient is or what that tool is used for, you can type it in and read through the results.

I also thought this would be helpful for our food log, because - at least in the cases that I've found - it also lists the origin of the food.

I will admit, however, that I have not compared it yet to other dictionaries to see how consistent the definitions are and am not sure if everything is accurate, but I figured it was a good starting place.

Here's the link: http://www.epicurious.com/tools/fooddictionary

I hope you all find it useful!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks McKenzie--I love this site for last minute, what-can-I-do-with-squash recipes.
